Y. Oike, M. Ikeda, and K. Asada,
"Smart Active Range Finder With the Capability of High Sensitivity, High Selectivity and Wide Dynamic Range,"
IEICE Technical Report, vol. 103, no. 89, pp.7-12,May 2003,
Y. Oike, T. Nezuka, M. Ikeda, and K. Asada,
"Challenges to Real-Time 3-D Imaging Based on Light-Section Method,"
JTTAS The 85th Regular Meeting of Next-Generation Vision System Committee, Nov. 2002,
Y. Oike, M. Ikeda, and K. Asada,
"High-Speed Position Detector Using Row-Parallel Architecture for Fast Collision Prevention System,"
IEICE Technical Report, vol. 102, no. 399, pp.7-11, Oct. 2002,
Y. Oike, M. Ikeda, and K. Asada,
"Smart Sensor Architecture for Real-Time and High-Resolution Range Finding,"
in Proc. of European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), pp.105 - 108, Sep. 2002,
M. Ikeda, et al.
"Frequency-dependent electrical characteristic of DNA using molecular dynamics simulation,"
Trends on Nanotechnology, Sep. 2002,
M. Ikeda, et al.
"Quick Calculation Method of LSI Power Supply Noise,"
9th IEEE Int. Conf. on Electron., Circuits and Systems, Sep. 2002,
H. Yamaoka, H. Yoshida, M. Ikeda, and K. Asada,
"A Dual-Rail PLA with 2-Input Logic Cells,"
Proceedings of European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), pp. 203-206, ,Sep. 2002,
H. Yamaoka, M. Ikeda, and K. Asada,
"A High-Speed Functional Memory with a Capability of Hamming-Distance-Based Data Search by Dynamic Threshold Logic Circuits,"
Proceedings of European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), pp. 667-670, ,Sep. 2002,
U. Ekinciel, H. Yamaoka, H. Yoshida, M. Ikeda, and K. Asada,
"A Module Generator for a Dual-Rail PLA with 2-Input Logic Cells,"
IEICE Society Conference 2002, Sep. 2002,
T. Nezuka, M. Ikeda, and K. Asada,
"A Smart Position Sensor with Row Parallel Position Detection for High Speed 3-D Measurement,"
in Proc. of IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), pp.101 - 105, Sep. 2002,
S.Sugiyama, M.Ikeda and K. Asada,
"Quick Power Supply Noise Estimation Using Hierarchically Derived Transfer Functions,"
9th IEEE Int. Conf. on Electron., Circuits and Systems (ICECS2002), Sep. 2002,
T. Iizuka, M. Ikeda, and K. Asada,
"An Exact Algorithm for Practical Routing Problems,"
in Proc. of IEICE Society Conference 2002, A-3-6, pp. 61, Sep. 2002,
Shen XB., T. Nakura, M. Ikeda, and K. Asada,
"The Estimation of Reliability Using Error Propagation,"
in Proc. of IEICE Society Conference 2002, C-12-6, pp. 72, Sep. 2002,
T. Iizuka, M. Ikeda, and K. Asada,
"An Exact Algorithm for Practical Routing Problems,"
in Proc. of IEICE Society Conference 2002, A-3-6, pp. 61, Sep. 2002,(IEICE Young Researcher's Award).
T. Iizuka, and K. Asada,
"An Exact Algorithm for Practical Routing Problems,"
in Proc. of the Third IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on ASICs (AP-ASIC), pp.343 - 346, Aug. 2002,
Y. Oike, M. Ikeda, and K. Asada,
"High-sensitivity and Wide-dynamic-range Position Sensor Using Logarithmic-response and Correlation Circuit,"
IEICE Transactions on Electronics,Vol.E85-C, No.8, pp.1651-1658, Aug. 2002,
H. Yamaoka, M. Ikeda, and K. Asada,
"A Dual-Rail PLA with 2-Input Logic Cells,"
IEICE Technical Report, SDM2002-156, Future University-Hakodate, Aug. 2002,
T. Yamamoto, and K. Asada,
"A Method for Reducing Inductive Coupling Noise by Using 3-Phase Data Encoding,"
IEICE Tech. Report, pp.25 - 30, Aug. 2002,
T. Ishihara, and K. Asada,
"A Threshold Voltage Scheduling Technique for High Performance and Low Leakage On-chip Memory,"
IPSJ DA Symposium, pp.55 - 60, Jul. 2002,
S. Sugiyama, M. Ikeda, and K. Asada,
"Quick Calculation Method of LSI Power Supply Noise,"
SCAE2002-6, pp.19 - 24, Jul. 2002,